藝術家Walter PARIS (1842-1906) 生平簡歷

出生地: London, England

死亡地点: Washington, DC

地址: London, England; Wash., DC

职业: Painter, architect

教育: Royal Acad.; T.L. Rowbotham, Paul Naftel, Joseph Nash, in London (1870s).

展出: Wash. WCC; CGA, 1875; San Fran. AA, 1876; NAD, 1878; Brooklyn AA, 1877-84; AIC, 1897-1904; Boston AC, 1899; PAFA Ann., 1902; Veerhoff Gal., 1905 (solo)

会员: Tile Club, NYC, 1876 (founder); Cosmos Club; Wash. AC; Wash. WCC.

工作: White House; NMAA; BMFA; CGA; Pioneers' Mus., Colorado Springs; State Dept. Diplomatic Reception Room.

评论: After studying architecture at the Royal Acad., he left London for a 7-year architectural assignment for the British Crown in India. Upon returning to London, he became interested in art, and came to Colorado Springs, c.1872. He was the town's first resident artist, according to Samuels. He had a studio in NYC in 1876 and later moved to Wash., DC. Specialty: watercolors. Positions: architect, British government in India, 1863-70; teacher, lndscp. drawing, Royal Military Acad., Woolwich. He made a large and remarkably fine series of flower studies from nature as aids to design. Also a violinist.

来源: WW06; Hughes, Artists of California, 422; P&H Samuels, 358; McMahan, Artists of Washington, D.C.; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
