藝術家Janet Elizabeth TURNER (1914-1988) 生平簡歷

出生地: Kansas City, MO

死亡地点: Chico, CA

地址: Chico, CA

职业: Printmaker, educator

教育: Stanford Univ, AB, 1936; Kansas City Art Inst, with Thomas H Burton, Dipl, 1941; Claremont Col, with Millard Sheets & Henry McFee, MFA, 1947; Columbia Univ, EdD, 1960.

展出: American Painting Today, 1950 & Watercolors & Prints, 1952,MMA; Ninth Nat Exhib, Libr of Cong, Washington, DC, 1951; Fourth Int Bordighera Biennale, Italy; Galerie Internationale, NYC; Bay Window, Mendocino, CA. Awards: Guggenheim fel, 1953; Tupperware Art Found fel, 1956 ; NAD, Cannon prize, 1961 .

会员: Assoc NAD; Soc Am Graphic Artists; Nat Asn Women Artists; Am Color Pring Soc; Los Angeles Printmaking Soc.

工作: MMA; Philadelphia Mus Art, Pa; Victoria & Albert Mus, London; Bibliotheque Nat, Paris, France, Libr of Cong, Washington, DC.

评论: Preferred Media: Graphics, Mixed Media. Positions: Pres, Nat Serigraph Soc, 1957-59, v pres, 1959-62. Publications: Illusr, The Yazoo, Rinehard, 1952. Teaching: Instr art, Girl's Collegiate Sch, 1942-47; asst prof art, Stephan F Austin State Col, 1947-56; from asst prof to prof art, Chico State Col, 1959-70s.
