藝術家Hilda KATZ (1909-?) 生平簡歷

出生地: Bronx, NY

地址: NYC

职业: Painter, graphic artist

教育: NAD with A. Covey ; New Sch. Soc. Res., scholar, 1940-41.

展出: NAD, 1933-35 (prize), 1942, 1946; NAWA, 1936-1946, 1945 (prize); NYWCC, 1936-37; Corcoran Gal. biennial, 1937; Phila. WCC, 1937-39, 1941-44; All. A. Am., 1938-43; WFNY, 1939; Denver A. Mus., 1940; CAFA, 1941, 1942, 1945, 1946; Albany Inst. Hist. & A., 1941, 1945; MMA, 1942; Audubon A., 1944-45; Christmas-in-our-Time Exh., 1943; Albany Pr. Club, 1945; America-in-the-War Exh. (26 mus.), 1943; SAE, 1942; Mint Mus. A., 1946; Laguna Beach AA, 1946; Intl. Expo, Women's A. & Indst.; Intl. Women's Club, England, 1946; Venice Biennial, US Pavilion, Italy, 1940; Boston Pub. Lib.; invitations to Turin, Venice, Florence & Naples, Italy also France & Israel; US Info. Agency Exhibits to Europe, Asia, Middle East & Africa; Soc. Am. Graphic Artists-Japan Invitational Exchange. Awards: six purchase awards, LOC; Am. Artists Graphic prize, Soc. Am. Graphic Artists; two awards for watercolors, Nat. Assn. Women Artists.

会员: Soc. Am. Graphic Artists (jury-award selection bd.); NAWA (jury-award selection bd.); Int. Platform Assn.; Phila. WC Cl.; Am. Color Print Soc.; AAPL; Audubon A.; CAFA.

工作: NGA; MMA; LOC; NMAA; Nat Air & Space Mus., Wash., DC; BMA; FMA.

评论: Teaching: lectr. demonstrations in painting & graphics for art assns., until 1951.

来源: WW73; Article, In: Metrop. Mus. Art Bulletin (1966); Report & Studies in History of Art (Nat. Gallery Art, 1967-69); article, In: Nat. Air & Space Catalogue (1971); WW47.
