藝術家Worth D. GRIFFIN (1892-?) 生平簡歷

出生地: Sheridan, IN

死亡地点: Clarkston, WA

地址: Pullman, WA

职业: Painter, educator, lecturer

教育: Oklahoma Christian Univ.; Univ. Oregon; John Herron AI; AIC, and with Harry Walcott, George Bellows, Charles Hawthorne, Wayman Adams; W. Reynolds; C. Wheeler; W. Forsyth.

展出: Hoosier Salon; SFMA, 1940, 1942, 1945; Oakland Art Gal., 1939, 1940; SAM, 1937, 1939-44.

会员: Western College AA; Am. Soc. Aesthetics; Washington AA.

工作: Wash. State College Collection (97 portraits).

评论: Contributed articles to College Art Journal; Research Studies, State College of Washington. Positions: magazine illustrator & commercial artist, Chicago, 1918-24; chmn. art dept., 1932-51; professor FA, 1945-58; emeritus, 1958-, Washington State College, Pullman; staff, Lewiston (ID) Tribune, 1958-.

来源: WW59; WW45. More recently, see Trip and Cook, Washington State Art and Artists, 1850-1950.
