藝術家Luis GRANER ARRUFI (1863-1929) 生平簡歷

出生地: Barcelona, Spain

死亡地点: Barcelona

地址: New Orleans, 1914-22; NYC, 1925

职业: Portrait, genre and landscape painter

教育: Barcelona; Rome

展出: Paris Salon, c.1895-1910; Delgado Mus. Art, 1917; Copley Gal., Boston, 1917; Salons of Am., 1923. Awards: medals in Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Paris

会员: Soc. Nat. des Beaux-Arts, France, 1904

工作: Historic New Orleans Collection

评论: He came to the U.S. in 1910 and worked in NYC, Calif., and in South America. He lived and worked in New Orleans from 1914 to 1922, doing some of his best work there. About two hundred of his paintings were owned by those in the area.

来源: WW25; Encyclopaedia of New Orleans Artists, 163; Complementary Visions, 49 (w/repro.)
