藝術家Rudolph T. PEN (1918-1990) 生平簡歷

出生地: Chicago, IL

地址: Chicago, IL

职业: Painter

教育: AIC (B.F.A.); also Europe, S. Am., Mex. & N. Africa.

展出: NAD, 1945 (prize); LOC, 1946; CI, 1946; AIC, 1939-51, 1961 (Contemp. Artists Exhib.); Milwaukee AI; Watercolor Print Exhib., PAFA; CGA; Joseph Welna, Chicago, IL, 1970s. Awards: Huntington Hartford Found. grant, 1958; Ryerson traveling fel., 1963

会员: AWCS; Arts Cl. Chicago; hon mem. Union League Civic & Arts Found.

工作: Davenport Mus., Iowa; LOC; PMA; Vincent Price Coll.; AIC

评论: Preferred media: oils, watercolors. Positions: pres., Alumni Assn., AIC, 1960-62; dir., Summer Sch. Painting, 1964-65. Publications: auth., "Whipping Boy or Cultural Spokesman," 1954 & auth., "The Tongue is Quicker than the Mind," 1966, Art League; auth., "Artist-Teacher blasts Tycoons & Pretenders," Chicago Sun Times, 1971. Teaching: asst. prof. painting, AIC, 1948-63; dir. pvt. sch., 1963-.

来源: WW73; Marilyn Hoffman, Art," Christian Sci. Monitor, Jan. 3, 1951; Kay Loring, "Pen Named Director of Art School," July 24, 1964 & Edith Weigle, "Art Critic," Chicago Tribune (Nov. 28, 1965)"
