藝術家Amos Lee ARMSTRONG (1899-1969) 生平簡歷

出生地: Many, LA

地址: Shreveport, LA/Many, LA

职业: Painter

教育: ASL, 1929; George Bridgman; Frank DuMond; Ivan Olinsky; Thomas Benton; Michel Jacobs.

展出: Natchitoches Art Colony, 1927 (prize); LA State Exh., Baton Rouge, 1938 (prize); Salons of Am.; S.Indp.A.

会员: SSAL; Shreveport AC; Houston Sketch C.; Natchitoches Art Colony; Sketch A., Monroe La.; Am.Ar. Prof. Lg.; Studio Gl.; Am. Assn. M.

工作: Natchitoches Art Colony Coll.; Shreveport Mus.

来源: WW40; Marlor, Salons of Am.
