藝術家Elmore BROWN (1899-1968) 生平簡歷

出生地: Buchanan, MI

地址: Chicago, IL (1920s); Bronxville, NY (1959)

职业: Painter, illustrator

教育: AIC; ASL; with John Norton, Georg Bellows, L. Seyffert, L. Kroll, E. Speicher

展出: AIC, 1920; Turf & Field Club, Belmont Park, NY, 1955; Fairfield Hunt Club, 1955; USAF Exh., Pentagon, Washington, DC.

会员: GFLA; SI; Artists & Writers Assn.

工作: Pentagon, Wash., DC

评论: Illustrator of national magazines, especially Collier's, 1933-49.

来源: WW59; WW47.
