藝術家Marjorie Helen THOMAS (1885-1978) 生平簡歷

出生地: Newton Center, MA.

死亡地点: Mesa, AZ

地址: Scottsdale, AZ, from 1909 (still living there in 1948)

职业: Painter, illustrator

教育: BMFA Sch., with Tarbell; Benson; R. Hale; Louis Kronberg; J.P. Wicker.

展出: Boston AC, 1906-08; PAFA Ann., 1924, 1928; North Shore AA; S. Indp. A., 1927

会员: Phoenix FA; Arizona AG.

工作: Governor's Office, Phoenix, AZ; Santa Fe R.R. Collection

评论: PWAP artist in Arizona, 1934. Thomas painted the Salt River Valley. Illustrator, Old Bill Williams at Chochetopa Pass," in "Old Bill Williams," Favour, 1936.

来源: WW40; P&H Samuels, 483.; Trenton, ed. Independent Spirits, 148, 154; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
