藝術家Leroy Walter FLINT (1909-1991) 生平簡歷

出生地: Ashtabula, OH

死亡地点: Akron, OH

地址: Ashtabula, OH; Cuyahoga Falls, OH

职业: Painter, educator, graphic artist

教育: Univ. Minnesota; Cleveland Inst. Art; West Reserve Univ.; Cleveland College.

展出: Cleveland Mus. Art May Shows, 1937-50; Akron Art Inst. Spring Shows, 1950-55; Few Are Chosen, Columbus Gallery Fine Arts & Houston, TX, 1953; Butler IA, 1971; solos: 1950-54, 1956, 1965 & 1966. Awards: awards & mentions, Cleveland May Show, 1936-41 & 1946-50.

会员: Am. Assn. Mus.; Int. Inst. Conserv.; College Art Assn.; Am. Soc. Aesthetics

工作: Oxford School, Cleveland; CMA; Akron AI; LOC; Butler IA. Commissions: relief & painted mural, Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority, 1938; mobile, Akron Public Library, Northfield Branch, 1970; mobile & mobile sculpture in private collections.

评论: Preferred media: tempera, acrylic, aluminum. Positions: curator educ., Akron AI, 1953-56, director, 1956-65; gallery director, Kent State Univ., 1965-70s. Teaching: associate professorm painting & gallery docent, Cleveland Mus. Art, 1949-50; assoc. professor, painting, drawing, & art history, Akron AI, 1956-65; assoc. professor, painting & drawing, Kent State Univ., 1965-70s. Publications: author, The Volunteer and Museum Education. Collections arranged: A. Bourdelle, Akron AI; Annual Collection Show, 1960-65; Ann. Spring Show, 1956-65; Ann. Invitational, Kent State Univ., 1967-72.

来源: WW73; WW40.
