藝術家Jane Caroline Mahon STANLEY (1863-1940) 生平簡歷

出生地: Detroit, MI

死亡地点: Ann Arbor, MI

地址: Ann Arbor/Charlevoix, MI

职业: Painter

教育: Charles Sanderson; L.K. Harlow; H.H. Hallett; S.P.R. Triscott; L. Richmond, London.

展出: CGA; Detroit IA; Detroit Soc. Women P&S; John Hanna Gals., Detroit; NAD; PAFA; Memorial Hall, Ann Arbor, MI

会员: Detroit Soc. Women P&S (charter mem.); Detroit WCS; Detroit AC; Ann Arbor AA; NAWA

评论: Daughter-in-law of John Mix Stanley (see entry) and mother of Alice Stanley Acheson (see entry).

来源: WW40; Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, 221; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists.
