藝術家James Leehan GREEN (1911-2005) 生平簡歷

出生地: Ware, MA

地址: Hollywood, CA; Elsah, IL

职业: Painter, teacher

教育: Mass. School Art; Univ. Vermont, with Barse Miller; Otis AI, with Paul Clemens.

展出: Calif. WCS, 1937-41; PAFA, 1939-43, 1944-46 (prizes); AIC, 1939-44; Oakland Art Gal., 1941-46; CAM, 1941-1945 (prize), 1946, 1950 (prize), 1953 (prize), 1958 (prize); Dallas, TX, 1957 (solo). Awards: PAFA fellowship.

会员: Calif. WCS; Group 15, St. Louis, MO

工作: CAM; Palm Beach, FL

评论: Position: art professor, Principia College, Elsah, IL, 1941-.

来源: WW59; WW47.
