安塞姆•基弗 (1945)的艺术市场新闻



Eli Broad: the unreasonable collector [2021年05月25日]

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man” George Bernard Shaw. Eli Broad made this maxim his own; he even alluded to it in the title of his autobiography / success manual published in 2012, […]

Flash News: Peter Lindbergh – Antony Gormley at the Royal Academy – A work by Daniel Buren vandalised [2019年09月20日]

Phographer Peter Lindbergh (1944 – 2019) The German photographer Peter LINDBERGH – who died aged 74 on 3 September last – was among those – like Richard AVEDON and Helmut NEWTON – who made an impact on the history of images. A true master of his art, he forever changed the evolution of fashion photography and […]

Flash News: Middle Eastern Art – Art Düsseldorf [2018年11月09日]

White Glove sale for Middle Eastern Art On 24 October, Bonhams of London offered the Abraaj collection for sale. A Dubai-based private equity firm and former sponsor of the Dubai Art Fair, Abraaj was known for its collection of Middle Eastern and Asian art. With its founder and CEO Arif Naqvi currently under investigation for […]

The best-selling Contemporary art prints [2018年06月22日]

In our fortnightly series of theme-based auction rankings, this week’s Friday Top article looks at the prints segment of the art market, a particularly fruitful segment for works by the hottest signatures in Contemporary creation.   Rank Artist Hammer Price ($) Artwork Sale 1 Keith HARING (1958-1990) 964 400 Andy Mouse 27/03/2018 Sotheby’s Londres 2 […]

Contemporary art in London [2017年03月14日]

After an excellent start to London’s season with Christie’s and Sotheby’s Impressionist & Modern Art sales at the end of February/beginning of March, the overall climate for the Contemporary Art sales last week was substantially less foreboding than it was back in March 2016. To maintain the suspense and keep the adrenaline flowing, the relatively […]

London’s art market stands firm [2016年07月12日]

Once again, the art market is proving its remarkable capacity for resistance in contexts of political and economic turmoil.

德国艺术家前10强排行榜 [2016年03月04日]


安塞姆•基弗 (Anselm Kiefer) 在法国 Beaubourg 市呆五个月 [2015年12月15日]

这位从 1993 年起就在法国居住和工作的德国著名造型艺术家是法国文化舞台上最著名的艺术家之一。他不仅是多个奖项和荣誉的获得者,还担任过法兰西学院 (Collège de France) 艺术创造的教席。如今 70 岁的安塞姆•基弗 (Anselm Kiefer) 在巴黎得到双重荣誉,

新闻简报: 澳大利亚举行日本艺术展 – 万众瞩目的妮基·桑法勒 – ART.FAIR 2014现当代艺术博览会 [2014年10月03日]

每两周,Artprice都会使用寥寥数语和多项数据对艺术市场的最新动态进行盘点: 澳大利亚举行日本艺术展 – 万众瞩目的妮基·桑法勒 – ART.FAIR 2014现当代艺术博览会

巴黎当代艺术拍卖排行榜 [2013年08月19日]

  又到周五了,太棒了!每两周,Artprice都会向您推荐新的拍卖纪录排行榜。本周的主题:2012年7月至2013年6月巴黎当代艺术十佳拍卖。   让-米歇尔·巴斯奎特(Jean-Michel BASQUIAT)再次成为西方拍卖排行榜上不可或缺的人物,他同时也跻身纽约和伦敦地区的十强榜单。该艺术家是巴黎市场中唯一一位身价超过百万的当代艺术家(生于1945年以后)。他凭借一己之力,以四件重量级作品取得了1,056.5万美元的收入,占巴黎十强的77%。我们先来回忆一下这位艺术家在当代艺术市场占有多么重要的地位:在2012-2013年度的伦敦十强中,他的作品拍卖收入达5,882万美元(占十强的65%);在纽约十强中,收入 达1.242亿(约占榜单的68%)。   排名 艺术家 成交价 作品 拍卖行及时间 1 让-米歇尔•巴斯奇亚 6536000美元 “Crown hotel (mona lisa black background)” (1982) 05/06/2013 (Sotheby’s PARIS) 2 让-米歇尔•巴斯奇亚 1837935美元 Sans titre (1982) 04/12/2012 (Artcurial (S.V.V.) PARIS) 3 让-米歇尔•巴斯奇亚 1814366美元 Sans titre (1981) 20/10/2012 (CORNETTE DE SAINT CYR Maison de Ventes S.A.S PARIS) 4 凯特•哈林 880817美元 Sans […]

2011-2012 德“艺”志风云榜 [2013年01月18日]

又到周五了,太棒了!每两周,Artprice都会向您推荐新的拍卖纪录排行榜。本周的主题 :2011年与2012年德国十佳拍卖作品比较。

2011KIAF韩国国际艺术博览会 – 总结 [2011年09月27日]

第二届KIAF韩国国际艺术博览会刚刚结束,借此机会,Artprice可以为这个世界现 代艺术排名第十三的韩国艺术博览会做一次总结。

Anish Kapoor – the experience of vision [2011年03月15日]

The Indian artist Anish Kapoor is the next artist selected for the Monumenta exhibition in Paris (11 May to 23 June).

Contemporary Art sales in February: a bold selection with records expected [2011年02月08日]

The big Contemporary Art sales begin just a few days after the Impressionist & Modern Art sales in London.

Christian Boltanski – from the Grand Palais to Tasmania [2009年12月28日]

The artist chosen for the Monumenta 2010 exhibition under the great glass-dome roof at the Grand Palais in Paris is the Frenchman Christian BOLTANSKI. His selection follows that of the German Anselm KIEFER in 2007 and the American Richard SERRA in 2008. The exhibition entitled “Personnes” will run from 13 January to 21 February.

Anselm Kiefer [2007年06月10日]

Born in Germany six months before the end of the Second World War Anselm KIEFER began by studying law and romance languages in 1965 at Freiburg in Breisgau, before switching to follow the art courses taught by Peter DREHER and Horst ANTES. He held his first exhibition at the age of 24. In 1970, he went to study under Joseph BEUYS.

Contemporary art makes the running in 2002: auction trends [2002年10月01日]

After a pause in 2001, contemporary art prices have taken off again. And yet, prices for the big-hitters have not experienced a spectacular explosion. During the first auction season 2002, prices for major league works were down on last year,
