藝術家Pat ADAMS (1928) 生平簡歷

出生地: Stockton, CA

地址: Bennington, VT

职业: Painter, educator

教育: UC Berkeley, BA, 1949; Brooklyn Mus Art Sch with Max Beckmann & John Ferren; Fulbright fel, France, 1956-1957.

展出: WMAA Ann., 1956, 1961; 41 Aquarellistes, MoMA traveling exhib in France, 1957; Lyricism in Abstract Art, Am. Fedn. Arts traveling exhib, 1962; Betty Parsons Collection, Finch Col., NYC, 1968; Color Forum, Univ Tex, Austin, 1972; Virginia Zabriskie Gallery,NYC, 1970s. Awards: Yaddo Found summer residences, 1954, 1964, 1969 & 1970; painting award, Nat Coun Arts, 1968; MacDowell Colony fels., 1968 & 1972.

工作: WMAA; Joseph Hirshhorn Collection; UC Berkeley; Univ Mich.; Univ. NC, Greensboro.

评论: Preferred media: oil/isobutyl methacrylate, gouache. Positions: vis. critic painting, Yale Univ, 1971-1972; grad. sem., Queens Col, fall 1972. Publications: Contribr., Private myth, Tanager Gallery, 1961; Art Now, 6/1972. Teaching: Art faculty, painting, Bennington Col, 1964-.

来源: WW73; Bernard Chaet, Interview with Pat Adams," Artists at Work (1961); Dore Ashton, "The symbolist legacy III," Art & Architecture (Dec,1964); Hilton Kramer, "Art: Pat Adams paintings," New York Times (Jan. 10, 1970)."
