藝術家Grace RAVLIN (1873-1956) 生平簡歷

出生地: Kaneville, IL

地址: Chicago, IL; Kaneville, IL in 1943

职业: Painter

教育: AIC; PAFA with W.M. Chase; L. Simon and Menard in Paris.

展出: Amis des Arts, Toulon, 1911 (medal); Pan-Pacific Expo, San Fran., 1915; PAFA Ann., 1916-17; Corcoran Gal biennials, 1916, 1926; Carsons Gals., Chicago, 1917; Santa Fe Art Mus., 1917; Minneapolis; Macbeth Gal., NYC, 1924; Rockford (IL) College, 1927; AIC, 1918 (prizes), 1922 (prize).

会员: Associée, Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1912; Peintres Orientalists Français; Sociétaire Salon d'Automne.

工作: AIC; Luxembourg, Paris; French Gov.; City of Chicago; ArchÈ Club, Chicago; Newark Art Mus.; Los Angeles Mus. Art; Vanderpoel AA Collection.

评论: Her work is largely European in subject. She visited Taos in 1934.

来源: WW40; P&H Samuels, 390; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists, cites alternate birth date of 1873; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
