藝術家Billy ADLER (1940) 生平簡歷

出生地: NYC

地址: Los Angeles, CA

职业: Sculptor, photographer

教育: Univ Pa, BA; Annenberg Sch. Commun., MA.

展出: WMAA, 1975. Awards: Martin Lesuer achievement award, 1972.

工作: Vancouver Art Gallery, BC; Pasadena Mus Art, Calif.; Baltimore Mus Art, MD; MoMA; Berkeley Mus Art, Calif.

评论: Teaching: vis. prof. archit., Calif Inst Arts, 1971; vis. prof. archit., Univ Calif., Santa Barbara, 1972. Publications: Co-auth., Coffee shops, 1971, Here's the scoop, 1972 & Tube of Milhous, 1972, West Mag; co-auth, Radical software, 1972.

来源: WW73; Pop Art," Time Mag (Nov., 1971). "
