藝術家Luis Eric EADES (1923-2014) 生平簡歷

出生地: Madrid, Spain

地址: Boulder, CO

职业: Painter, educator

教育: Bath School Art, England; Slade School, Univ. London; Inst. Polytech. Nac., Mexico City, Mexico; Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, B.A.

展出: Recent Painting USA: The Figure, MoMA, 1962; PAFA, 1962; Forty Artists Under Forty, WMAA, 1962; State of Man, New School Soc. Res., New York, 1964; Second Intermountain Biennial Exhib., Salt Lake AC, Utah, 1965; Colorado Springs FAC, 1969; Carlin Galleries, Fort Worth, TX, 1970s

工作: WMAA; MFA Houston, TX; Dallas MFA; Fort Worth AC; MFA, Holyoke, MA. Commissions: airport mural, Govt. Honduras, Toncontin, Tegucigalpa, 1948.

评论: Preferred media: oils, acrylics. Publications: illustrator, The Precipice, Univ. Texas Press, 1969. Teaching: professor, painting & drawing, Univ. Texas, 1954-60; professor, painting & drawing, Univ. Colorado, 1961-.

来源: WW73; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
