藝術家Daniel E. GREENE (1934-2020) 生平簡歷

出生地: Cincinnati, OH

地址: NYC

职业: Painter

教育: Art Acad. Cincinnati; ASL, Thelka M Bernays scholarship, 1954-55, with Robert Brackman; NAD, with Robert Philipp.

展出: Awards: Hilldebrand Portrait Prize, Hudson Valley A, 1966; Council Am. Artists Award, Hudson Valley, 1966; Pauline Law Award, NAC, 1967

会员: ANA; AWCS; All. Artists Am.; Audubon Artists; NAC

工作: Norfolk Mus.; Greenshields Mus., Montreal; Shelburne Mus.; Yale Univ.; U.S. Senate. Commissions: portraits, of Keith Funston, New York Stock Exchange, George Rommey, State of Michigan, Elmer Bobst, Warner Lambert Pharmaceut Co., George D Aiken, State of Vermont & Archibald Davis & John Watlington, Wachovia Nat. Bank

来源: WW73
