藝術家Ethel Hall HAGEN (1898-?) 生平簡歷

出生地: Cleveland, OH

地址: Carlsbad, CA

职业: Painter, craftsperson, teacher

教育: NAD; Pratt Inst., with Weiss & Lahey; Corcoran Art School, Wash., DC, watercolor with O'Hara; also Eliot O'Hara & Robert Landry, Calif.; oil painting with AER Van de Velde, Calif.; watercolor with Lester Boner, Calif.

展出: NMNH, Washington, DC, 1935; San Diego AA Gal., 1950; Laguna Beach Art Gal., 1951, 1960; Carlsbad Art Gal., 1952; Escondido Fireside Inn Gal., 1953. Awards: ten first & eight second awards, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista & Escondido Competitions, 1950-60.

会员: San Diego AA; Carlsbad-Oceanside Art Lg. (treasurer, sec. & pres.); Escondido AA; Laguna Beach AA

工作: Commissions: portrait of Gen. Merrit Edson, U.S.S. Edson, 1958.

评论: Preferred media: watercolors. Teaching: private instruction in watercolor.

来源: WW73; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists.
