藝術家Nancy HEMENWAY (1920-2008) 生平簡歷

出生地: Boothbay Harbor, MW

地址: West Boothbay Harbor, ME

职业: Painter, designer

教育: Wheaton College, 1937-41; Matheu, Europe, 1954-56; Univ. Madrid, 1956; ASL,1957-61; Columbia Univ. with John Heliker, 1962-66 (M.A., 1966)

展出: Nat. Gal. Art, La Paz, Bolivia, 1968; Smithsonian., 1969; Woodmere Gal. Art, Germantown, 1971; Copley Soc., Boston, 1972; Pan-Am Union, Wash., DC, 1970 (solo).

会员: ASL; Craftsman's Council; Maine Hist. & Cultural Soc; Maine Art Gal.

工作: The Net (bayetage), Woodmere Art Gal., Germantown, PA; Sea Edge, Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC. Commissions: wool hanging & bayetage, Richard & Neiman Marcus, Dallas, TX, 1971; "Monkeys," "Crab" & "Mask" (bayetages), Mrs. Walter Ford, Detroit, MI, 1972; "Tidal" (two part screen in silk & velvet), Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Schultz, Chicago, 1972.

评论: Preferred media: bayetage. Teaching: U.S. Mexican Cultural Inst., 1968-70. Art interests: originator of bayetage, a new art form consisting of wall hangings in collage & stitchery largely on wool.

来源: WW73; Nancy Hemenway & Bayetage" (film), produced by U.S. Info. Agency, 1970."
