藝術家Fredric HOBBS (1931-2018) 生平簡歷

出生地: Philadelphia, PA

地址: Los Altos, CA

职业: Sculptor, film maker

教育: Cornell Univ. (B.A.); Acad. San Fernando Belles Artes, Madrid, Spain.

展出: Concurso Int., Palacio Virreina, Barcelona, Spain, 1960; Biennial Exhib. Am. Art, PAFA, 1964; Nat. FA Collection, Smithsonian Inst., 1964; The Highway (traveling exhib. to U.S. mus.), Inst. Contemp. Art, Phila., 1970; Paintings by Fredric Hobbs, CPLH (solo); John Bolles Gal., San Fran. & Heritage Gal., Los Angeles, 1970s.

工作: MoMA; MMA; Finch College Mus., New York; Oakland (CA) Mus. Art; Spencer Mem. Church, Brooklyn, NY. Commissions: Big Sur Redwoods, Episcopal Church, 1962-; Hall of Spirits, monumental environmental sculpture for motion pictures, 1972-73.

评论: Preferred media: steel, fiber glass, acrylics. Positions: pres.., Fredric Hobbs Films, Inc., 1970-; distinguished speaker, Programs Int. Syst. Publications: author of five original screenplays, 1969-72.

来源: WW73; John W McCoubrey, Art & the Road," Highway (1970); Thomas Albright, "Visuals," Rolling Stone Magazine (1971)."
