藝術家Anne D.J. McCosh KUTKA (1902-1994) 生平簡歷

出生地: Danbury, CT

死亡地点: Eugene, OR

地址: Eugene, OR

职业: Painter, lithographer, drawing specialist

教育: ASL, with Kenneth Hays Miller, Kimon Nicolaides & Eugene Fitsch.

展出: Salons of Am., 1925; PAFA, 1932, 1934; Portland Art Mus., 1935, 1937-39, 1946, 1972; AIC, 1935-36; SAM, 1936-39, 1941, 1945; Denver Art Mus., 1938; Contemporary Art, 1938; WFNY, 1939; Oklahoma Art Center, WPA Program (lithography), 1940; Northwest Printmakers, 1940; Am. Red Cross Traveling Exhib., 1942; AV, MMA, 1943; Univ. of Oregon, 1944; SAM, 1945; Oregon Guild of Painters and Sculptors, Portland (OR) Art Mus., 1948 (solo), 1956; Exhib. of Watercolors, Drawings & Prints, MMA, 1952; Willamette Univ., Oregon, 1957; Thyrza Anderson Gal., Eugene, OR, 1961 (solo); "Northwest Artists," Univ. of Oregon Mus. Art, Eugene, OR, 1961, 1965, "Perspectives of Women" & "Annual Invitational," 1972, 1991(retrospective); "Earthworks-Artworks," Maude Kerns Art Center, Eugene. Other awards: Tiffany fellowship, 1930; GRD Traveling Scholar, 1934.

会员: ASL; Portland Art Mus.; Mus. Art, Eugene.

工作: Portland (OR) Art Mus.; Am. Red Cross, Wash., DC.

评论: Preferred medium: oils. Teaching: instr., M.I. Kerns Art Center, Eugene, 1960-.

来源: WW73; WW47; Trenton, ed. Independent Spirits, 126.
