藝術家Charles LE CLAIR (1914-2007) 生平簡歷

出生地: Columbia, MO

地址: Pittsburgh (1947); Phila. (1968 on)

职业: Painter, educator

教育: Univ. Wisc. (B.S. & M.S., 1935); Acad. Ranson, Paris, 1936; Columbia Univ., 1940-41; C. Booth.

展出: Wisc. Salon Art, 1935, 1936 (prize), 1938-40, 1942; Madison AA, 1940 (prize); Milwaukee Journal, 1942 (prize); Albright Art Gal, 1944 (prize), 1945-46; CI, 1941, 1943-45; AIC, 1944-45; VMFA, 1944; Wisc. P&S, 1936-37; Butler Art Inst., 1951, 1956, 1971; Corcoran Gal. biennial, 1953; WMAA, 1951-56; Int. Watercolor Exh., Brooklyn Mus., 1959; NAD, 1960; PAFA, 1963, 1965 (Pennell Mem. award); PAFA Ann., 1968; Pittsburgh AA, 1946-70s (10 prizes); Gal. 1988, Rome, Italy, 1970s. Other awards: Ford Found. fellowship advanced educ., 1952-53.

会员: Nat. Assn. Schools Art; Int. Council FA Deans; College AA; AFA; Consortium Univ. Art Schools.

工作: Milwaukee Journal Coll.; Madison (WI) Pub. Sch. Union; Alabama College for Women; Beaver College; Temple Univ.; Chatham College; Albright-Knox Art Gal.; Pittsburgh Hundred Friends of Art.

评论: Preferred media: oils, acrylics, watercolors. Auth.: Integration of the Arts, Harper, 1954; "Meeting Student Needs Through the Humanities,"Current Issues in Higher Educ., Assn. Higher Educ., Wash., DC, 1955; A Salute to William Pitt (catalog), Chatham College, 1958; Humanities, Principles of Evaluation & Measurement for Higher Educ., Rochester Inst. Tech., 1961; "Education of the Artist," Alumni Review Temple Univ., Jan.., 1962. Teaching: Univ. Alabama, 1935-42, Albion College, 1942-43, Albright Art Sch., 1943-46; Chatham College, 1946-60; Tyler Sch. Art, Temple Univ., 1960-70s.

来源: WW73; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
