藝術家Blanche J. SCHMEIDLER (1915-1966) 生平簡歷

出生地: NYC

地址: Jackson Heights, NY

职业: Painter

教育: Hunter College; Columbia Univ. (B.A.); Samuel Brecher Art Sch.; ASL with Vytlacil; Seong Moy Graphics Workshop.

展出: NAD; Audubon Artists; Nat. Arts Club; WMAA; Silvermine Guild. Awards: prizes, NAWA, 1959 & Grumbacher prize, 1960, New Jersey P&S, 1961.

会员: NY Soc. Women Artists (chmn. mem. comt., 1962-65; bd. dir., 1963-66); Am. Soc. Contemp. Artists (chmn. traveling exhs., 1963-66); NAWA; Silvermine Guild Artists; New Jersey P&S.

工作: St. Vincent's College, Latrobe, PA; Seton Hall Univ., Newark, NJ; John Herron Art Mus., Indianapolis, IN.

评论: Teaching: lecturer, history & application of woodcut, NAD.
