藝術家John TORRES (1939-2001) 生平簡歷

出生地: Bronx, NY

地址: Providence, RI

职业: Sculptor, art administrator

教育: Md. State Col., 1956-57; Mich. State Univ., 1958-59; New Sch. Soc. Res., 1959-62; ASL, 1959-68; Brooklyn Mus. Sch., 1963-64; RI Sch. Design (B.F.A., 1972); also with Arnold Prince, Seymour Lipton & William Zorach.

展出: WMAA, 1971; Nat. Collection Fine Art, Smithsonian Inst., Wash., DC, 1971; solo shows, RI Sch. Design, 1970 & Guest of Govt. Mex., 1970. Awards: Ford Found. grant for Vt summer, also scholarship; Edward MacDowell Colony fel., 1964-67, 1971; Nat. Endowment grant; Nat'l Assn. of the Arts, purchase prize; Nora Kubic Grant; Pearlson-Sturgis Grant; Lindsay Trust Grant; Boston Globe Grant; Wyman Fnd. Grant; Artist in the Schools Grant for Barrows, Alaska; Ford/AIA Grant to Educate Arch.

会员: ASL (bd. mem.); Afro Art Ctr. (bd. mem.); Salmagundi Club.

评论: Preferred media: stone. Positions: dir. Vt. proj., ASL,; admin. asst. to dean, RI Sch. Design. Teaching: lectr., Afro art hist., Brown Univ.; assoc. sculpture, RI Sch. Design.

来源: WW73; Patterson, Encyclopedia of Black Cultural Contributions; Fax, Seventeen Black Artists, Dodd, article In: Sepia Mag. (July, 1968); Cederholm, Afro-American Artists.
