藝術家Stanley Marc WRIGHT (1911-1996) 生平簡歷

出生地: Irvington, NJ

地址: Stowe, VT

职业: Painter, instructor

教育: School Fine Art, Pratt Inst., grad. (highest honors), 1933; Jerry Farnsworth School Art, Tiffany Foundation fellowship, 1935.

展出: Solos: U.S. Capitol Bldg.; Clarke Gal., Stowe, VT; Fleming MA, Burlington; Wood Art Gal., Montpelier; Montclair (NJ) Mus.; Newark (NJ) AC; Backus Gal., Stowe; Helen Day AC, Stowe; AWCS; NYWCC; Art Center Oranges, NJ; Kresge Gal.; Brooklyn Mus.; Pratt Inst.; NAC; Corcoran; MMA; Grand Central Gal.; NJ State Mus.; Jersey City Mus.; NAD; SC; Phila. Mus.

会员: Salmagundi Club; Audubon Artists; Int. Inst. Arts & Letters (life fellow); Northern Vermont Artists (director, 1951); Vermont Council Arts; AAPL; Montclair AA; New Hope AA; Provincetown AA

工作: Portraits of Gov. Deane C. Davis & Sen. George D. Aiken, State House, Montpelier, VT; Joe Kirkwood, Golf Hall of Fame, Foxberg, PA; George A. Wolf Medical Center, Univ. Kansas; A.G. Mackay, Medical Center, Burlington, VT; Newark (NJ) Mus.; Montclair Mus.; Fleming Mus., Univ. Vermont; U.S. House of Representatives

评论: WPA artist, 1934. Served in U.S. Army and earned Bronze Star, 1942-44. Moved to Stowe, VT in 1949 and opened Wright School Art. Preferred media: oils, watercolors, acrylics. Teaching: head portrait & landscape, Newark Sch. Fine Arts, 1944-50; instructor portrait & landscape & director, Wright School Art, Stowe, VT, 1950-; lecturer, demonstrator & instructor painting, many organizations.

来源: WW73; articles in Cue Magazine, Vermont Life Magazine, Times, Newark News, Free Press & others. addit. info courtesy Clarke Galleries, Palm Beach, FL.
