藝術家Zygmunt MENKES (1896-1986) 生平簡歷

出生地: Lwow, Poland

地址: NYC; Riverdale, NY

职业: Painter, graphic artist, decorator

教育: Higher Inst. Art Decorative, Lwow, Poland, 1914; Acad. Fine Art, Kracow, Poland, 1919.

展出: Corcoran Gal. biennials, 1939-57 (8 times, incl. 4th prize, 1941; gold med., 1947); PAFA Ann., 1941-66 (gold medal, 1945); CI; Univ. Nebraska; CMA; Am. Univ., Wash., DC; State Univ. Iowa.; Cranbrook Acad. Art; MMA; WMAA; Cornelius Sullivan Gal., NY (solo); Durand-Ruel Gal. (solo); Assn. Am. Artists, 1936-44 (solo); AIC, 1937-43; NIAL, 1955 (award); Audubon Artists, 1965 (medal of hon.), 1967 (silver med.); Polish Inst. Arts & Sciences, 1968 (prize).

会员: Int. Inst. Arts & Letters (life fellow); Woodstock AA; Fed. Mod. P&S (pres., 1942-43); ANA; Société des Indep.; Salon d'Automne; Soc. du Salon des Tuilleries; (all in Paris).

工作: MMA; Wichita AA; Cranbrook Acad. Art; Encyclopedia Britannica Coll.; PAFA; Abbott Laboratories Coll.; MusÈe de Jeu de Paume, Paris; Nat. Mus. Warsaw, Poland; Nat. Mus., Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Nat. Mus., Athens, Greece; Tel-Aviv, Palestine; Albright Gal., Buffalo; Woodstock AA

来源: WW73; WW47; Emily Genauer, Best of Art (Doubleday, 1948); Arthur Zaidenberg (ed.), The Art of Artists (Crown, 1951); Nathaniel Pousette-Dart (ed.), American Painting Today (Hastings, 1956); Woodstock AA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
