藝術家Lot FLANNERY (1836-1922) 生平簡歷

出生地: Limerick, Ireland

死亡地点: Wash., DC

地址: Washington, DC, 1850s

职业: Sculptor

教育: self-taught as a sculptor

展出: NAD, 1882

工作: marble statue of Abraham Lincoln, Judiciary Square, Wash., D.C. (first public monument to Lincoln), completed 1868; marble statue of Stephen A. Douglas, St. Louis; marble Arsenal Monument (1867), Congressional Cemetery; plaster bust of Pres. Chester Arthur, Nat. Portrait Gal.; statue of Benjamin Franklin, Govt. Printing Office

评论: Postion: apprentice sculptor, U.S. Capitol, 1850s; director, one of Wash., DC's largest carving firms in the 1860s.

来源: G&W; Fairman, Art and Artists of the Capitol, 168; McMahan, Artists of Washington, D.C.
