藝術家Bayard TAYLOR (1825-1878) 生平簡歷

出生地: Kennett Square, PA

死亡地点: Germany

职业: Landscape painter, illustrator, best known as an author and traveler

展出: NAD

评论: Apprenticed to a printer but at the age of 19 he published a first volume of poems and bought his remaining time in order to become a journalist. In 1844 he made his first visit to Europe as a traveling correspondent for several newspapers; on subsequent travels he visited and wrote articles and books about California, the Near and Far East, Africa, Russia, etc. He was on Perry's expedition to Japan in 1853 and in 1862 was secretary to the American delegation in St. Petersburg. His books were sometimes illustrated with his own landscape sketches, some of which he also exhibited at the National Academy. He also published many volumes of verse, novels, and a very successful translation of Goethe's Faust. Taylor was named Minister to Germany in 1878 and was also a professor of German at Cornell.

来源: G&W; DAB cites several biographies; Cowdrey, NAD; Yesterday in Chester County Art; Perry, Expedition to Japan; Van Nostrand and Coulter, California Pictorial, 122; Art in America (April 1940), 76; P&H Samuels, 479.
