藝術家Gus EDSON (1901-1966) 生平簡歷

出生地: Cincinnati, OH

地址: New York 17, NY; Stamford, CT

职业: Cartoonist, writer

教育: PIA School; ASL.

会员: Nat. Cartoonists Soc.; SI; Westport Artists; Artists & Writers Assn.; Banshees; Nat. Comics Council; Writers Gld. of America West.

评论: Author/illustrator: The Gumps," appearing in 329 newspapers; author/creator of new strip "Dondi" 1955. Writer/co-Producer of motion picture "Dondi." Writer of motion picture, "Carnival Kid." Sports cartoonist for many leading newspapers.

来源: WW66; WW47."
