藝術家Paul FJELDE (1892-1987) 生平簡歷

出生地: Minneapolis, MN

死亡地点: Brewster, NY

地址: NYC, Brooklyn 5, NY

职业: Sculptor, medalist, educator

教育: Minneapolis School of Art; ASL; BAID; Royal Acad., Copenhagen; Grande Chaumière, Paris, France.

展出: AIC, 1913-19; PAFA, 1935-36, 1940. Awards: fellowship, American-Scandinavian Fnd.; AAPL; Allied Artists Am.; NSS.

会员: NSS (secretary, 1950-53); Eastern AA; Grand Central Art Gal.; Brooklyn SA; Am.-Scandinavian Fnd., NA.

工作: monuments, Lier & Oslo, Norway; Hillsboro, ND; Madison, WI; St. Paul Hist. Soc.; arch. sculptures, schools & bldgs., Pittsburgh, PA, NYC, Boston, MA, Springfield, MA, McKeesport, PA; Brookgreen Gardens, SC; Mus. of Hispanic Soc., NY; New York Mus. of Science & Industry; numerous medals designed; mem. tablets and busts; Wendell Willkie memorials in State House, Indianapolis, IN, and Bryant Park, NYC

评论: Teaching: art professor, PIA School, Brooklyn, NY, 1929-, prof. emeritus (retired); instructor, sculpture, Nat. Acad. School Fine Arts, NYC. Position: editor, National Sculpture Review, 1951-55.

来源: WW66; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series; add'l info. courtesy D. Wayne Johnson, Litchfield, CT
