藝術家Weldon KEES (1914-1955) 生平簡歷

出生地: Beatrice, NE

地址: NYC; Point Richmond, CA

职业: Abstract painter, writer, critic

教育: Univ. Nebraska (A.B.); Univ. Denver (B.S.)

展出: WMAA, 1949-50; Am. Abstract Artists, 1949; Peridot Gal., 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952 (solos); CPLH, 1951.

评论: He was active in Provincetown, MA, 1949. Position: art critic, The Nation, 1949-50. Auth.: The Last Man, 1943; The Fall of the Magicians, 1947. Contr. articles, New York Times, Magazine of Art, Partisan Review, The Nation.

来源: WW59; Kuchta and Seckler, Provincetown Painters, 206
