藝術家Wilfred B. SHAW (1881-?) 生平簡歷

出生地: Adrian, MI

地址: Ann Arbor, MI

职业: Painter, etcher, illustrator, writer, historian

教育: Univ. Michigan (A.B.); Frank Holme Sch. Illus., Chicago.

展出: Detroit; NYC; Ann Arbor; Toronto; Chicago; Wash., DC; Hackley Art Gal. (solo).

会员: Ann Arbor AA.

评论: Author/illustrator: Short History of Univ. Michigan," 1937. Illustrator, Michigan Alumni Quarterly Review; "Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan"; "Fortress Islands of the Pacific"; "Short Account of the Copts," and others. Contributor: International Studio, Craftsman, Scribner's, & other magazines.

来源: WW59; WW47."
