藝術家Thomas SGOUROS (1927-2012) 生平簡歷

职业: Illustrator, painter, teacher

教育: RISD, BFA, 1950

展出: SI and Art Dir. Club Shows in NYC, Boston, Providence, Denver (many medals and awards); several solo shows

会员: Boston Soc. WC.Painters; American WC Soc.

工作: Cleveland Mus. FA; Jacksonville Mus.FA; RISD

评论: After finishing school, he worked as a free-lance illustrator for several years, working for Time, Life, and other national magazines, for advertising accounts and major publishers. From 1962-on, he was associated with the Illustration Dept. at RISD in several capacities.

来源: W & R Reed, The Illustrator in America, 340.
