藝術家Ruth ORKIN (1921-1985) 生平簡歷

出生地: Boston, MA

地址: NYC

职业: Photographer, film maker

展出: Little Fugitive, Edinburgh Film Festival, 1954, Montevideo Film Festival, 1955 & Melbourne Film Festival; Lovers & Lollipos, Venice Film Festival, 1955; Kodak's New York World's Fair Int. Color Exhib., 1963 & 1964. Awards: Silver Lion of San Marco, for direction of Little Fugitive, Venice Film Festival, 1953; Academy Nomination for writing Little Fugitive, 1953; third prize winner, Life's Young Photographer's Contest, 1951.

会员: Acad. Motion Picture Arts & Sci.; Soc. Mag. Photographers.

工作: still photos, MoMA & MMA

评论: Art Interests: still photos of classical musicians, New York views, children, photo-reportage and personalities. Publications: contribr., Tanglewood Souvenir Guidebook, 1947-48; contribr., Family of Man; contribr., "Ruth Orkin's New York," Horizon, March, 1959; plus many other leading publ, 1947-57.

来源: WW73; "The Incredible Ruth Orkin," Photog. Workshop (winter, 1953); "America's Interesting People," Woman's Home Companion (Nov., 1956); Saul Bellow, "Movies," Horizon mag. (Sept., 1962).
