藝術家Charles Follen MCKIM (1847-1909) 生平簡歷

出生地: Chester County, PA

地址: NYC/St. James, NY

职业: Architect

教育: Harvard; Columbia; Univ. Pa.; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, with Daumet.

展出: Paris Expo, 1900 (gold); King Edward of England, 1903 (gold); AIA, 1909 (gold).

会员: Assoc., AIA, 1875, fellow, 1877, pres., 1902-03; A.N.A., 1905; NA, 1907; Am. Acad., Rome (pres.); NSMP (hon.); NSS; Arch. Lg., 1889; S. Beaux-Arts Arch. (charter).

工作: Boston Pub. Lib.; RI State House; Madison Square Garden, NYC; Columbia Univ. Lib.; Brooklyn Inst. A. Mus.; University Cl.; Century Cl.; J.P. Morgan Lib.; Pennsylvania Station; Agriculture Bldg., Columbian Expo., Chicago, 1893.

评论: In 1877 joined W. R. Mead and in 1879, Stanford White, forming McKim, Mead and White.
