藝術家Jeanette GUYSI (1873-1966) 生平簡歷

出生地: Cincinnati, OH

死亡地点: Birmingham, MI

地址: Detroit/Birmingham, MI, 1896-1966

职业: Painter, craftsperson

教育: William Sartain, NYC; Acad. Colarossi, Paris; with Harry Thompson

展出: Paris Salon, 1891-92; Detroit Soc. of Women Painters and Sculptors; Detroit AI, 1897 (with Alice Guysi), 1901 (solo); AIC, 1897,1898, 1903, 1904.

会员: Soc. of Arts and Crafts, Detroit; Western Artists Assoc.; Detroit Soc. of Women Painters & Sculptors; Detroit Mus. A. Founders Soc.

评论: Sister of Alice Guysi (see entry).

来源: WW40; Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, 122; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists.
