藝術家John Howard IAMS (1897-1964) 生平簡歷

出生地: Washington County, PA

死亡地点: Marion, OH

地址: Harrisburg, PA

职业: Painter

教育: CI; ASL

展出: Assoc. Artists Annual, CI, 1926; Soc. Wash. Artists, 1928 (prize); PAFA, 1928; Corcoran Gal., 1928, 1937; SSAL, 1928 (prize), 1931 (prize); Mississippi AA, 1930 (med.), 1933 (gold), 1934 (med.); NAD; AIC; Houston MFA

会员: SSAL; Pittsburgh AA; Mississippi AA.

工作: Birmingham (AL) Pub. Lib.; Bennet Lib., Weston, WV; White House

评论: Descendant of an early pioneer family, he worked as a carpenter after WWI to earn money for his education. Specialty: landscapes, houses and structures related to regional Pennsylvania history and development. His work is characterized by a sense of reality and incisive draftsmanship, yet conveying specific atmospheric conditions.

来源: WW40; Chew, ed., Southwestern Pennsylvania Painters, 65, 66; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
