藝術家Frank Edward ACKERMAN (1933) 生平簡歷

出生地: Los Angeles, CA

地址: Glendale 6, CA

职业: Painter

教育: Sch. All. A.; Chouinard AI; Glendale Col.

展出: Cal. WC Soc.; Terry AI, 1951; Carnegie Inst. Sch. Corp., 1950; Los A. County Exh., 1950; Glendale Col., 1955; Newport Harbor Exh., 1955; CPLH, 1956; H. M. deYoung Mem. Mus., 1953. Awards: prizes, Bank of America award, 1951; Gibson award, Long Beach, Cal., 1955.

会员: Cal. WC Soc.; Los A. AA; Glendale AA.

工作: Roosevelt H.S., Glendale; City Hall of Glendale.

评论: Positions: gallery dir., Glendale AA; vice-pres., Glendale AA; instr.(water color), Brandt-Dike Schl.
