藝術家Alice D. Engley BEEK (1876-1951) 生平簡歷

出生地: Providence

死亡地点: Tacoma, WA

地址: Tacoma, WA

职业: Painter, teacher, sculptor

教育: RISD; Wheeler A. Sch.; Sidney Burleigh; Acad. Delecluse, with Lazar, L'Hermitte, Puvis de Chavannes, Edward Ertz, in Europe.

展出: Expositions International Français (2 golds, med., prizes); Seattle Expo., 1909 (gold, prize).

会员: Am. APL.

工作: European galleries.

评论: Position: dir. art, Annie Wright Sem., Tacoma, WA, 15 years.

来源: WW40; Trip and Cook, Washington State Art and Artists.
