藝術家Criss A. Rosner GLASELL (1898-1971) 生平簡歷

出生地: Vienna, Austria

地址: Sioux City, IA; Bloomfield, IA; Dubuque, IA

职业: Painter, craftsperson, lecturer

教育: AIC & with Grant Wood, Francis Chapin, Adrian Dornbush at Stone City Colony.

展出: Phila. WC Show; Rockefeller; Am. Artists Congress; ACA Gallery, NY; Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs Exhibit, 1932; Iowa Artists Club, 1933, 1934; Cincinnati Nat. Exhib., 1934; Iowa Art Salon, 1931-34 (prizes), 1938 (prize), 1939 (prize), 1941 (prize); PAFA, 1934; Corcoran Gal., 1934; Joslyn Mem., 1934; Kansas City AI, 1935, 1936; CM; WFNY, 1939; NAWA, 1945; Argent Gal., 1946; Des Moines (solo), Mason City (solo), Cedar Rapids (solo), Sioux City (solo), Bloomfield (solo), all in Iowa.

会员: NAWA; Iowa Art Guild; Am. Artists Congress

工作: Dubuque AA; USPO, Leon, IA

评论: Came to America with her parents in 1904. For a number of years her husband was her instructor (see entry). Married Don E. Glasell. WPA artist. Position: program director, Dubuque AA.

来源: WW59; WW47; Ness & Orwig, Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years, 84-85.
