藝術家Charles Rollo III PETERS (1892-1967) 生平簡歷

出生地: France

死亡地点: Monterey, CA

地址: Monterey, CA; NYC

职业: Portrait painter, scenic designer

教育: with his father, Charles Rollo Peters; Paris, London, Munich, for five years.

展出: Santa Barbara Mus. of Art, 1966; Colton Hall, Monterey, CA, 1968.

工作: Monterey Peninsula Mus. of Art; City of Monterey.

评论: He was born overseas, where his father Charles R. Peters (see entry) was studying art. In 1914 he opened a studio in NYC, worked as a Shakespearian actor and designed sets for productions in which he played.

来源: WW17; Hughes, Artists in California, 435.
