藝術家Johann BERTHELSEN (1883-1972) 生平簡歷

出生地: Copenhagen, Denmark

地址: New Milford, CT

职业: Painter, lecturer, teacher

教育: Chicago Music College, 1901-05

展出: AIC, 1925; Chicago, 1928 (Erskine Prize); Indianapolis, 1946 (Holcombe Prize); Swope AM (retrospective) 1980s

会员: SC; AWCS; All. A. Am.

工作: Sembrich Mem., Lake George, N.Y.; Wake Forest Col.; Hickory Mus. A.; Terre Haute Mus.; Texas Tech. Col.

评论: His family emigrated to the U.S. in 1889. He studied and taught music in Chicago, and in 1911-12 he was listed as a vocalist living in Manitowoc, WI. But Svend Svenson in Chicago and Wayman Adams in Indianapolis convinced him to paint. He moved to NYC in 1920 and by 1932 was dedicated to painting full time. He is best known for his Impressionist renderings of New York City streets scenes in snow.

来源: WW53; WW47.
