藝術家Edith WHITE (1855-1946) 生平簡歷

出生地: near Decorah, IA

死亡地点: Berkeley, CA

地址: Pasadena, CA (from 1893)

职业: Landscape and floral painter

教育: Mills Seminary; San Francisco Sch. Design, late 1870s; ASL, 1892

展出: San Francisco AA, 1890; Calif. Midwinter Int. Expo, 1894; Denver Artists' Club, 1898

工作: San Diego Hist. Soc.; Santa Fe RR Collection; Calif. Hist. Soc.; Mills College, Oakland; Mt. Holyoke College; Denver Public Library.

评论: Came to California in 1859 and opened a studio in Los Angeles in 1882. Well-known for her realistic renditions of roses.

来源: Hughes, Artists in California, 600-601; Trenton, ed. Independent Spirits, 42-44.
