藝術家Grant REYNARD (1887-1968) 生平簡歷

出生地: Grand Island, NE

死亡地点: NYC

地址: Leonia, NJ

职业: Painter, etcher, lithographer, illustrator, lecturer, writer

教育: AIC; Chicago Acad. Art; Harvey Dunn; Harry Wickey; Mahonri Young; Baldwin-Wallace College (hon. deg., LH.D., 1955)

展出: Salons of Am.; WFNY, 1939; AGAA (solo); LOC, 1944 (prize); AAPL, 1934 (prize); WMAA, 1938; SC, 1939 (prize); Joslyn Mem.; Univ. Nebraska; Univ. Tulsa; AIC; PAFA; NAD; SC (prize); Kennedy & Co. (solo); Clayton Gal. (solo); Grand Central Art Gal. (solo); Assn. Am. Art (solo); McD. Club (solo); Bucknell Univ., 1946 (solo); Montclair Art Mus., 1958 (solo).

会员: ANA; AWCS (council, 1958-61); SAGA; Audubon Artists; New Jersey AA; New Jersey WCS; All. Artists Am.; Am. Artists Group; Prairie PM; .Phila. SE.

工作: Montclair Art Mus.; Norton Gal. Art; Newark Mus.; FMA; Univ. Tulsa; MMA; NYPL; LOC; AGAA; de Young Mem. Mus.; Univ. Nebraska; NJ State Mus., Trenton; panels, Calvary Episcopal Church, NY; murals, St. John's Church, Leonia, NJ, First Baptist Church, Hackensack, NJ

评论: Teaching: Millbrook Sch. (NY), Palo Duro Sch. Art (Canyon, TX). Position: pres., Montclair (NJ) Art Mus. Illustr.: Rattling Home for Christmas," 1941 (Am. Artists Group). Contrib. to Scribner's; biographical article by Norman Kent, Am. Artist magazine, 1961; contrib. of articles to Am. Artist, including "Lithographs, Childe Hassam", and on the Barnes Coll.

来源: WW66; WW47. "
