藝術家Frank BUCHSER (1828-1890) 生平簡歷

出生地: Feldbrunn, Switzerland

死亡地点: Feldbrunn

地址: Virginia and Wash., DC

职业: Landscape and portrait painter

教育: Rome, Paris

展出: NAD, 1867.

工作: Kunstmuseum, Basel

评论: Came to America in 1866 with an interest in the after-effects of the Civil War, and spent much of his time in Virginia. He also stayed in Woodstock in 1867, and in the Charlottesville area in 1869, where he painted landscapes and portraits of blacks. It is said that at the time he found few buyers for these portraits. In 1869 he painted Robert E. Lee in Lexington, KY.

来源: Wright, Artists in Virgina Before 1900.
