藝術家Augustus Goodyear HEATON (1844-1931) 生平簡歷

出生地: Phila.

死亡地点: Wash., DC

地址: NYC, 1876; Paris, France, 1881-83; Phila., PA, 1884; Wash., DC 1885; West Palm Beach, FL

职业: Painter, teacher, writer

教育: PAFA, with Peter Rothermel; …cole des Beaux-Arts, with Cabanel (his obituary claims he was the first American to enter the school); Bonnat, 1879; Moore Inst. for Women.

展出: PAFA, 1863, 1876-77, 1881-85; NAD, 1871-90; Brooklyn AA, 1868, 1875-77; Centennial Expo, 1876; Paris Salon, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1883; Tulane Univ., 1892; Soc. Wash. Artists, 1892; Columbian Expo, Chicago, 1893 (bronze med.); S.Indp. A., 1917-21, 1924, 1927, 1929-30

会员: Cosmos Club; Wash. Soc. FA; Soc. Wash. Artists; Phila. Sketch Club; S. Indp. A.; SC, 1908.

工作: CGA; U.S. Capitol; Hist. Soc. of Penn.; Chicago Hist. Soc.; Wash., DC (engraving on fifty-cent postage stamp, Columbian Expo, and engraving on ten-cent postage stamp, Omaha Expo); Union Lg. Club, Phila.; War Col., State Dept., Navy Dept., all in Wash., DC; Delaware State House; NY Hist. Soc.; Tulane Univ.; Cornell.

评论: He painted several portraits of prominent citizens during his visit to New Orleans in 1892, and returned in 1930 to lecture on art. Teaching: School of Design for Women, Phila.; ASL, Wash., DC. Author: The Heart of David," "Fancies and Thoughts in Verse," "Mint Marks," "New National Anthem."

来源: WW29; Encyclopaedia of New Orleans Artists, 180; McMahan, Artists of Washington, D.C.; Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 355."
