藝術家James King BONAR (1864-1942) 生平簡歷

出生地: Dunfermline, Scotland

地址: Pittsburgh, PA/Gibsonia, PA

职业: Painter, writer, engineer

教育: self-taught

展出: Assoc. Artists of Pittsburgh; Corcoran Gal, 1916; Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, PA; St. Louis AM; William Penn Hotel (Cradle of Liberty")"

会员: Pittsburgh AA (, pres., 9 years); Hundred Friends of Pittsburgh Art (co-founder)

工作: priv. collections

评论: Position: mech. engineer, Carnegie Steel Co.; superintendent of bldgs., Pittsburgh Board of Education. He painted mostly Pittsburgh subjects in his spare time.

来源: WW21; Chew, ed., Southwestern Pennsylvania Painters, 17-18.
