藝術家Dorothy NORMAN (1905-1997) 生平簡歷

出生地: Philadelphia, PA

地址: NYC

职业: Writer, photographer

教育: Smith Col.; Univ. Pa.

展出: Captions, "Family of Man," MoMA & Tour, 1955 & Forms of Israel, Am. Fedn. Arts & Tour, 1958-60; 60 Photographs & New Workers, MoMA; Selections From Dorothy Norman Collection, PMA, 1968.

工作: PMA; MoMA

评论: Positions: ed. & publ., Twice a Yr., 1937-48. Collection: contemporary and ancient symbolical art. Publications: co-ed., America and Alfred Stieglitz, 1934; ed., Selected Writings of John Marin, 1949; auth., Alfred Stieglitz--Introduction to an American Seer, 1960; auth., The Hero: Myth/Image/Symbol, 1969; auth., "Alfred Stieglitz--An American Seer," winter 1973.

来源: WW73; William Wasserstrom, Introduction, In: Civil Liberties and the Arts (Syracuse Univ. Press, 1964).
