藝術家Richard Caton II WOODVILLE (1856-1927) 生平簡歷

出生地: London, England

死亡地点: St. John's Wood, England

职业: Painter, illustrator

教育: Royal Acad. in DüsseldoRoyal Acad., London, 1876

展出: Royal Acad., London

工作: Russell Foundation, Montana

评论: Son of Richard C. Woodville, Sr. (see entry). Illustrated the American West in 1884 but did not visit there until 1890, when he was assigned by the Illustrated London News to depict American and Canadian outdoor life. He also covered the Sioux Indian War, 1890-91 and depicted the final military defeat of the Plains Indians. He was the most prolific Western illustrator in Europe for a time.

来源: P&H Samuels, 537-38.
